Malletts Bay Boat Club
Lake Champlain Founded 1936

Fall Sunday Series - 26SEP04

[2004 Results Home]

Thanks to Richard Villamil for the photos!


1 Oriel trying to set a spinnaker.jpg (97272 bytes) 2  I think I remember where the fore guy goes.jpg (56087 bytes) 3 AHA there is the spinnaker halyard.jpg (56427 bytes) 4  Does the sheet go over or under the pole.jpg (55425 bytes) 5  Finally the chute is up.jpg (55299 bytes) 6  Oh Well at least we started.jpg (57415 bytes) 7  Oriel finishing.jpg (53150 bytes) And They're Off.jpg (56472 bytes) Bob at the helm.jpg (56228 bytes) Ginny Marie finishing.jpg (57689 bytes) Starting in a gale.jpg (57734 bytes)